新关注 > 信息聚合 > 56岁钟楚红应援张学友 搭肩搂腰笑容美

56岁钟楚红应援张学友 搭肩搂腰笑容美

At the age of 56, Cherie Chung should help Jacky Cheung to put his arms around his waist and smile.

2016-12-27 21:18:39来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 12月27日下午,钟楚红[微博]更博晒出一张与张学友的合影,写道:“You are the best(你最棒)!”看来红姐是去助阵张学友的演唱会去了。二人在后台亲密搭肩,钟楚红还揽住了张...

Sina Entertainment News on December 27 afternoon, Chung Chuhong [micro-blog] even more blog out a photo with Zhang Xueyou, wrote: "You are the best!" It looks like red sister is going to help Jacky Cheung's concert. The two of them tied shoulders together in the background, and Cherie Chung also took up Zhang.