新关注 > 信息聚合 > 剑盟引领特色江湖玩法 《江湖霸图》今日内测来袭

剑盟引领特色江湖玩法 《江湖霸图》今日内测来袭

AU leading characteristics sword rivers and lakes play "Wild Pa map" incoming beta today

2015-12-30 12:32:50来源: 4399

恩怨情仇江湖事,儿女情长武林局。由九龙阁出品的大作《江湖霸图》今日开启热血内测,浩荡武林新格局即将呈现。高自由度、高策略性的精品武侠游戏将考验你的操作和领导才能,游戏宏大的世界观打造出了一个波澜壮阔的江湖格局、危机四伏的武林。今日起,茶楼酒肆间传唱的江湖传奇轶事就由你叙写! 【内测内容...

Pains and sorrows rivers and lakes things, their love martial arts bureau. Kowloon House produced masterpiece "Wild World tyrants map" beta today to open the blood, the mighty martial arts new pattern coming soon. High degree of freedom, high-quality strategic game will test your martial arts action and leadership, the grand game of the world to create a magnificent rivers and lakes pattern, perilous martial arts. Today, restaurants taverns between sung by the rivers and lakes legend narrating anecdotes on you! [Beta content ...