新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彩色激光多功能一体机 HP M775dn太原促

彩色激光多功能一体机 HP M775dn太原促

HP color laser multi-function equipment M775dn taiyuan to promote

2016-07-21 22:48:58来源: 中关村在线

【山西省太原市行情】HP M775dn是一款彩色激光多功能一体机,支持打印,复印,扫描,最大处理幅面为A3,支持有线网络打印。现在太原经销商“太原宏兴办公”处参考价格25500元,有需要的欢迎来电咨...

Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province market 】 【 HP M775dn is a color laser multi-function equipment, support print, copy, scan, the largest processing width for A3, support cable network printing. Now taiyuan dealers "taiyuan HongXing office" reference price 25500 yuan, has the need to welcome your client...