新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家GBA放10年依然满电 网友怒赞日货质量

玩家GBA放10年依然满电 网友怒赞日货质量

GBA players put 10 years is still full of electricity Net friend angry Japanese goods quality

2016-01-11 07:02:04来源: 中关村在线

在任天堂的DS掌机面世前,GBA是便携游戏机的当家小生。2001年,老任发布了首款,2003年GBA SP上市。 近日,国外论坛网友晒照,自己从父母汽车里翻出了一部十年前的GBA SP,虽然屏幕上堆积了许多灰尘,但令人惊讶的是,电量指示为绿色,也就是满血状态,他还启动完了几把《俄罗斯方...

The nintendo DS available before, GBA is portable console niche. LaoRen issued the first in 2001, 2003 listed GBA SP. Recently, foreign BBS netizens bask in, own a car from their parents to dig out ten years ago the GBA SP, although piled up a lot of dust on the screen, but surprisingly, the power indicator is green, namely full health status, he also started out several Russian...