新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《机甲狂潮》将推出一个「西部世界」DLC


The mecha frenzy will launch a "western world" DLC

2018-09-07 14:16:35来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Deck13 宣布,“科幻版黑魂”游戏《机甲狂潮》将于10月2日推出全新 DLC“The Good, the Bad”,并公布了预告视频。B站地址可以看到该 DLC 标题致敬了著名西部片《黄金三镖客》(The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly),玩家将在该 DLC 中继续深入 CREO 乐园,在一个西部主题的园区求生,通过数个训练室并对抗发狂的科学家 Rischboter 博士,这设定的确非常类似近年口碑美剧《西部世界》。预告片截图:《机甲狂潮》还将在12月5日迎来全新拓展内容“A Walk in the Park” ,收录了游戏所有DLC的《机甲狂潮:完全版》也...

Developers Deck13 announced that "science edition black soul" game "mecha frenzy" will launch new DLC on October 2, "The Good, The Bad", and published The trailer video. B station address you can see The DLC title pay tribute to The famous western "gold Good" (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly), players will be further in The DLC CREO paradise, in a western theme park, through a number of training room and against mad scientist Dr Rischboter, this set is very similar in recent years, word of mouth TV drama "in The western world". Trailer screenshots: "the mecha frenzy" will also be on December 5, usher in A new development content "A Walk in the Park", included the game all the DLC "mecha frenzy: full version" also...