新关注 > 信息聚合 > 朱茵只露出一双大眼睛,就美哭了一大批粉丝


Athena chu with only a pair of big eyes, and beautiful wept a large number of fans

2016-08-19 21:46:30来源: 中国青年网

朱茵自拍 腾讯娱乐讯 8月19日,朱茵晒出一张自拍,照片中的她用纱巾遮住面部,只露出一双迷人的大眼睛,她发文称“闷死我啦”。 网友留言:“神好有戏”、“你美哭了我+10086”、“你还是以前...

Athena chu autodyne Tencent entertainment - on August 19, Athena chu sun a self-time, she covered her face, with the fabric in the photo with only a pair of charming eyes, she said "suffocated me. Net friend message: "good" is a god, "you cry I + 10086", "are you still...