新关注 > 信息聚合 > 娱乐机 戴尔INS14PD-1548R长沙4780元

娱乐机 戴尔INS14PD-1548R长沙4780元

Entertainment machine Dell INS14PD-1548R Changsha 4780 yuan

2015-01-16 19:32:08来源: 中关村在线

【湖南长沙IT行情】戴尔Inspiron 灵越 14 7000(INS14PD-1548R)是一款采用14英寸清晰屏幕搭配设计的高端大气笔记本,轻薄时尚的机身搭配设计更是吸引消费者们的关注目光,舒适...

[IT Inspiron] Hunan Changsha market Dell Inspiron 147000 (INS14PD-1548R) is a used 14 inch clear screen goes with the high end of the atmospheric notebook design fashion, thin body with design is to attract consumers attention, comfort...