新关注 > 信息聚合 > 下岗工人办起药膳农家乐


Laid-off workers established medicinal food farmhouse

2016-09-08 04:58:11来源: 磐安新闻网

“自己当小老板,生活有了盼头,再也不用怕下岗了,这多亏了我们老祖宗传下来的药膳。”杨龙中看着自己的“龙中田庐”说。 杨龙中是仁川镇杨宅村人,1994年到杭钢工作,一晃就是22年。杭钢工作的日子平...

"When the boss, your life with hope, no longer afraid of laid off, thanks to our ancestors handed down to the medicinal food." Yang Longzhong watch "Long Zhongtian lu," said. Yang Longzhong is incheon town Yang Zhai village, 1994 to descibes work, flash is 22 years. The days when I worked descibes flat...