新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《少年三国志》平民元宝使用指南


"Young romance of the Three Kingdoms" civilian ingot guide to using

2015-02-26 18:11:20来源: TechWeb

在少年三国志中元宝是我们游戏的核心流通货币,因为元宝的主要获取途径是通过充值,所以对于我们平民玩家来说合理的分配和使用元宝是非常重要的,下面蚕豆网小编就为大家带来少年三国志平民元宝使用指南。 少年三国志平民元宝使用指南 1、购买体力和精力,建议买到50元宝就停,体力和精力是我们游戏的...

in juvenile romance of the Three Kingdoms in the ingot is us the core of the game currency, because the main access route is through the recharge of ingot, so it is very important for our civilian game player is a reasonable allocation and use the ingot, the following broad bean network Xiaobian for everyone to bring young romance of the Three Kingdoms guide to the use of civilian ingot. Young romance of the Three Kingdoms civilian ingot using guide 1, buy the strength and energy, recommend buy 50 Yuan Bao stopped, the physical strength and the energy is our play...