新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《路文学》杂志荣膺优秀版面奖等多项殊荣


Road literary magazine won the award for the best layout, etc. Various honors

2015-04-08 09:20:28来源: 中国公路网

日前,从陕西省新闻工作者协会企业报分会年度表彰大会上传来喜讯,《路文学》杂志荣膺多个奖项。 3月27日至29日,陕西省新闻工作者协会企业报分会在古城西安召开2015年度年会,对全省60余家企业报...

Recently, from the journalists association of shaanxi province from the convention for the enterprise to the branch annual news, road literary magazine won several awards. On March 27 to 29, newspaper journalists association in shaanxi enterprises branch 2015 annual conference, held in the ancient city of xi 'an to the province more than 60 companies quote...