新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州萧山法院司法拍卖一桩别墅 成交价2260万

杭州萧山法院司法拍卖一桩别墅 成交价2260万

Auctions sold a villa Hangzhou Xiaoshan Court of Justice 22.6 million

2015-01-22 04:59:02来源: 大河网

本报通讯员 萧法 本报实习生 郑璐 本报首席记者 肖菁 经过28次出价,4次延时,成交价格最终在2260万元上定格。 这是前天淘宝司法拍卖频道杭州萧山法院挂拍的一套别墅,别墅成功拍卖的消息传...

French newspaper intern newspaper correspondent Xiao Zheng Xiao Jing Lu newspaper chief reporter bid after 28 times, four times the delay, the final transaction price at 22.6 million yuan on fixed. This is the day before the auction channel Taobao Hangzhou Xiaoshan Court of Justice set her retirement villa, news that a successful auction of the villa ...