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Swisse成中国品牌 被合生元76亿元收购

Swisse into synbiotics 76 billion yuan acquisition of

2015-09-17 18:38:50来源: 亿邦动力网

9月17日消息,据悉尼先驱晨报(Sydney Morning Herald)报道,合生元国际控股有限公司(以下简称合生元)今日以16.7亿澳元(约合76亿人民币)收购了澳洲知名保健品品牌Swisse的生产商Swisse Wellness Pty Ltd.83%的股份。悉尼先驱晨报的报道截图据亿邦动力网了解,在今日由高盛安排的投标会中,三家中国企业就Swisse展开竞争,最终合生元击败了上海医药集团股份及弘毅资本。Swisse与Blackmores是澳大利亚最知名的保健品品牌,也是近几年最受中国消费者欢迎的澳大利亚保健品品牌,目前是进口电商市场当之无愧的爆品。亿邦动力网了解到,Swisse被收购...

9 July 17, Chinese brands, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney Morning Herald) and Biostime International Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as synbiotics) today to 16.7 billion Australian dollars ($76 billion yuan) to the acquisition of the shares of Australian well-known health care products brand Swisse producers wellness Swisse Pty Ltd.83%. The Sydney Morning Herald reported shots according to billion state power network, in today's arranged by Goldman's bid will be, Swisse three Chinese companies to compete, final synbiotics beat Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd and Hony capital. Swisse and Blackmores is Australia's most well-known brands of health products, but also the most popular in recent years, the Chinese consumer's brand of health care products, is currently the most popular in the electricity market. Billion state power network to understand, Swisse was acquired...