新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国美在线: 三门冰箱999元 国美在线618家居用品1..

国美在线: 三门冰箱999元 国美在线618家居用品1..

Gome online: three door refrigerator 999 yuan Gome online 618 home goods 1..

2015-06-05 15:03:49来源: 第三媒体


following the "loving home baby lying", "enjoy intellectual technology lie", Gome online 618 "quality home appliances lie blockbuster debut, on June 5th - 8th during Zaixian cheap appliances storm. 32 billion cash vouchers to receive free; you power over 1000 minus 100, the maximum reduction of 2000; everyone's electricity price, microwave oven 61.8 yuan to grab, double door refrigerator low to 618 yuan etc.; home venue 1 per spike, explosive 9.9 yuan package mail; Kang Jiasan refrigerator door below 1000.