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绝地求生全军出击悬念海报三连发 你猜到神秘代言人了么

Desperately army attack three repeating suspense posters You guess the mysterious spokesperson

2018-02-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

继昨日《绝地求生全军出击》上线了代言人悬念站以来,谁将代言这2018第一鸡的讨论一直没有停歇。今日官方再度爆出三张悬念KV,更多游戏元素与人物标签的出现更加清晰的指向代言人。 他是枪械大师? 第一张KV中出现了AKM、98K、大菠萝等枪械,并搭配文字“只有熟悉枪林弹雨,才能赢得残酷战局”。除了表示这个游戏你需要熟悉枪械,同时也指这位代言人一定出演过枪战类的影视作品,历经枪林弹雨的洗礼。 他是飙车高手? 吉普车?可谓是游戏中打家劫舍、跑毒送快递的必备交通工具,血厚稳定性高。当然和代言人绑定在一起的话,意味着代言人应该有关于车辆追逐或者急速狂飙的镜头。 他精通拳击? “只...

After survival army attack the jedi yesterday launched spokesperson suspense station, who will represent the first 2018 chickens, discussion has not ceased. Again this official broke three suspense KV, game elements and the characters more tag appears more clearly points to the spokesperson. He is a master gun? First appeared in the KV AKM, 98 k, the big pineapple, such as firearms, and match the words "is to be got familiar with bullets, cruel war". In this game you need to be familiar with guns, but also refers to the representative must have appeared in shooting film and television works, after the baptism of bullets. He is a master of motorcycle racing? The jeep? Is the game run al shabaab, poison to send express the necessary traffic tools, blood thick and high stability. Spokesperson bound together and, of course, means that the spokesperson should be about car chases or rapid surge of lens. He is proficient in boxing? "Only...