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The first Shanghai college students' cultural creative product show season kicks off

2016-05-05 00:56:44来源: 中国青年网

陈静 摄 首届“汇创青春”——上海大学生文化创意作品展示季4日拉开帷幕,致力展示上海高校创新创业教育成果,打通学生创意作品的转化链条。 陈静 摄 中新网上海5月4日电 (记者 陈静)陶瓷、漆...

Chen jing, the first "collect" youth "- Shanghai college students' cultural creativity works show season 4, to show innovation entrepreneurship education results in Shanghai universities, get through the transformation of students creative product chain. Chen jing, addition to Shanghai on May 4 (reporter Chen jing) ceramic, paint...