新关注 > 信息聚合 > 肯帝亚男篮再度跨界 海上篮球嘉年华引爆邮轮

肯帝亚男篮再度跨界 海上篮球嘉年华引爆邮轮

Cartier men's basketball team once again cross-border sea basketball Carnival Cruise detonated

2016-04-28 20:48:20来源: 华体网

4月28日 坐邮轮游览日韩、大海上与职业球员PK篮球,当“邮轮+篮球”结合在一起,你可能从未有过这样的体验。22-27日,江苏肯帝亚男篮再次进行了新的尝试,一次独特的“海上篮球嘉年华”之旅就这样...

April 28th cruise tour to visit Japan and South Korea, the sea and professional players PK basketball, when the cruise + basketball together, you may never have had such an experience. 22-27, Jiangsu kendiya basketball again new attempt, a unique maritime basketball Carnival "trip so...

标签: 嘉年华