新关注 > 信息聚合 > 极具魅力全幅机 佳能6D单机售8414元

极具魅力全幅机 佳能6D单机售8414元

Attractive web machine Canon 6D single sold 8414 yuan

2015-01-23 05:25:33来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线数码影像行情报道)佳能6D是一款高画质的全画幅单反相机,而且它还拥有低廉的售价,让普通摄影爱好者也可以轻松享受全画幅机型带来的高品质成像。今日笔者了解到,市场上该机售价为8414元。 图为:佳能6D(单机) 图为:佳能6D(单机) 编辑点评: 虽然单机身售价不到一万...

(Zhongguancun Zaixian digital imaging market reports Canon) 6D is a high-quality full frame SLR camera, and it has a low price, so that ordinary photography enthusiasts can also enjoy full frame model of the high-quality imaging. Today I learned on the market, the price of 8414 yuan. Pictured: Canon 6D (single) map: Canon 6D (single) comments: Although the single body priced at less than ten thousand...