新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星控的实惠之选 270E5J京东售2959元

三星控的实惠之选 270E5J京东售2959元

Samsung controlled Jingdong affordable choice 270E5J sale 2959 yuan

2015-06-26 06:24:00来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线北京地区行情)三星270E5J-X01搭载Intel酷睿i3 4005U处理器,主流办公软件运行无压力。采用笔记本标准规格硬盘,500GB的存储空间,带来海量存储,轻松应对工作存储需求。...

(Beijing area ZhongGuanCun online quotes) equipped with an Intel Core I3 4005U processor and main office software operation without pressure. Using the standard of the notebook hard disk, 500GB storage space, bringing massive storage, easy to deal with the demand for work. ...

标签: 三星 京东