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珠宝伴佳人 宝诗龙闪耀戛纳红毯

Jewelry with the little prince, beauty Boucheron blazed Cannes red carpet

2015-06-23 16:00:47来源: 金融界

电影《小王子》在第68届戛纳电影节的首映式上,中国超模刘雯佩戴Boucheron宝诗龙珠宝惊艳红毯。 Boucheron宝诗龙动物系列Masy变色龙白金镶钻耳环,盈盈闪耀耳畔。两串Ava手环及P...

film at the 68th annual Cannes Film Festival premiere, Chinese supermodel Liu Wen wearing Boucheron Boucheron jewelry stunning red carpet. Boucheron Boucheron series Masy animal chameleon platinum diamond earrings, with shining ears. Two series Ava bracelet and P...