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威少48+11杜兰特43分 雷霆双加时惊险逆转魔术

Johnny Durant 48+11 43 points thunder double overtime thriller reversed 10 months of magic

2015-10-31 10:41:02来源: 搜狐

北京时间10月31日,NBA常规赛继续进行,雷霆在一度落后18分的不利情况下,凭借杜兰特和威少的神奇表现,客场上演大逆转,双加时139-136力克魔术,喜迎两连胜,送对手两连败。 杜兰特43分1...

time of Beijing of 31, NBA regular season continued, thunder in trailed by 18 points of adverse circumstances, with Kevin Durant and Westbrook's amazing performance away staged reversal, double overtime 139-136 force grams of magic, celebrate the two in a row, sent the match two successive defeats. Durant 1 points...