新关注 > 信息聚合 > 库蒂尼奥:适应英超对于热苏斯没有难度


Cutinho: It's not difficult for us to adapt to the Premier League.

2016-10-11 02:53:16来源: 华体网

体育10月10日讯 利物浦中场库蒂尼奥相信自己的巴西同胞热苏斯能够融入英超生活。 曼城在今夏为热苏斯向帕尔梅拉斯支付了2700万英镑的转会费,热苏斯将在明年1月登陆英超,目前他还在帮助帕尔梅拉斯竞...

Sports News October 10 Liverpool midfielder Cutinho believes his Brazilian compatriot Gessos can integrate into the life of the Premier League. Manchester City paid 27 million to Palmeiras this summer for Gesus, who will land in the Premier League in January next year and is still helping Palmeiras.