新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别人家的老板:俞永福豪奖员工500万


Someone's boss: Yu Yongfu ho staff award Sina 500 million

2015-10-23 11:06:56来源: 新浪

高德地图颁奖暨庆功典礼 新浪科技 余禾 现在离过年还有将近4个月的时间,可是有的互联网公司的年底奖励已经开始发放了,这完全是拉仇恨的节奏嘛! 据了解,阿里移动事业群总裁兼高德总裁俞永福因...

High German map presentation cum celebration ceremony of sina science and technology more than Wo now from the Chinese New Year and nearly 4 months time, but some Internet companies at the end of the year award has begun to issued, which is totally pull hate rhythm! It is understood that Ali mobile business group president and President of High German President Yu Yongfu...