新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京大兴黑作坊千斤猪头肉被查 熟肉堆地上鸡犬围

北京大兴黑作坊千斤猪头肉被查 熟肉堆地上鸡犬围

Beijing Daxing black workshop 1000 pounds of pig meat checked cooked meat heap to chickens and dogs around

2015-06-29 14:22:19来源: 中国新闻网

在黑加工点内,工人正在将煮熟的猪头肉捞出锅 摄/法制晚报暗访组 记者 郭谦 黑作坊内泡肉的池子周围脏乱 摄/法制晚报暗访组 记者 郭谦 无证生产加工点 熟肉放地上落苍蝇鸡犬围 批发至岳各庄等市场...

in black processing point, workers are to be cooked pig meat, fish out the pot photo / Legal Evening News Fangzu reporter Guoqian black workshop in the bubble pool of meat around dirty camera / Legal Evening News Fangzu reporter Guoqian undocumented production processing point of cooked meat on the ground fall flies chicken dog around to wholesale yuegezhuang market...