新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女星短发雌雄莫辩 李宇春领衔女星秀帅气短发造型

女星短发雌雄莫辩 李宇春领衔女星秀帅气短发造型

Actress Bob Li Yuchun led the androgynous actress show handsome short hair style

2015-05-05 12:15:10来源: 人民网

李宇春自出道以来就以短发形象示人,利落的短发看起来帅气有型 人民网北京5月5日电(车柯蒙) 美女生赖雅妍在九把刀电影《等一个人咖啡》中一改之前甜美风,一头短发出现,帅气的短发简直让她雌雄莫辩,像变了一个人,很多女生扮男装都帅到不行,今天,小编就来带你看看这些短发造型比男生还帅的女星造...

Li Yuchun since his debut in short image, neat short hair looks handsome handsome people.com.cn Beijing on 5 May, (Che Kemeng) Megan Lai in the nine beauty knife movie "Coffee" in such a person before a change of sweet wind, a head short hair, handsome short hair was her androgynous, like a changed man, many girls are not handsome to dress like a man, today, Xiaobian take you to have a look these short hair style is also handsome than male actress made...