新关注 > 信息聚合 > Pingcoo首届单机游戏交流晚宴---猫头鹰之夜


Pingcoo's first single game dinner - night owl

2015-07-23 18:54:25来源: 新浪

一年一度的CHINA JOY又要开始啦!今年上海宾谷将携手北京玩客成功加入超值豪华晚宴,于7月30日17:30在上海浦东喜来登大酒店,举办“猫头鹰之夜---Pingcoo首届单机游戏交流晚宴"。届时来自全国单机C.P、发行、运营等各路大神将齐聚一堂,壮哉我大单机指日可待! 细数往届每...

CHINA JOY and start it once a year! This year Shanghai Penn valley will join Beijing play off successfully joined the premium luxury dinner, on July 30 at 17:30 on in Shanghai Pudong Sheraton Hotel, held "night of the owl ---Pingcoo first stand-alone game networking dinner". Then, from the single C.P distribution, operation of the great spirit will gather together, I have big single point the day and await for it! The previous count per...

标签: 游戏