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五代短命! 英特尔第6代Skylake处理器年内登场

Five Dynasties and short-lived. Intel processor for the sixth generation skylake years debut Sohu

2015-06-03 14:41:40来源: 搜狐

就在昨天,英特尔刚刚公布了旗下第五代基于 14nm 工艺 Broadwell 架构的主流桌面和移动处理器,但对此我们只能说,“安息吧!Broadwell!”,因为就在发布新品的同时,英特尔随后便立即...

yesterday, Intel has just released the its fifth generation 14nm process Broadwell architecture of mainstream desktop and mobile processor based on, but this we only said, "rest in peace! Broadwell!" , because in the release of new products at the same time, Intel will immediately...