新关注 > 信息聚合 > 云南162医院打造“互联网+医联体” 探索分级诊疗

云南162医院打造“互联网+医联体” 探索分级诊疗

Yunnan 162 hospital building of couplet of "Internet + d" to explore the classification diagnosis and treatment

2016-04-21 00:40:48来源: 参考消息网

中新网昆明4月20日电 (记者 马骞)仅仅需要数秒网络连接,在昆明的专家就给远在独龙江乡独龙村的病人进行了远程会诊。20日,云南省首家“分级诊疗+医联体平台”在昆明医科大学第一附属医院呈贡医院正式上...

Kunming, Beijing, April 20 (xinhua Ma Qian) only takes a few seconds the network connection, experts in kunming will give patients was carried out in country rural village of dulong remote consultation. 20, the first in yunnan province "classification of couplet of diagnosis and treatment + d platform" in the first affiliated hospital of kunming medical university hospital chenggong officially...