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有杀气童话新手套牌推荐 前期必备伙伴

A murderous fairytale novice deck recommended pre essential partner

2015-02-11 19:40:05来源: 4399

在有杀气童话中套牌可以获得额外的加成,所以收集几个套牌也是必须的。前期新手得不到太多的好的伙伴,但是一些新手套牌实力也不容小觑。下面4399梅川酷子就给大家推荐一些新手套牌。 套牌效果:提升生命2...

in the deck murderous look in the fairy tales can gain extra, so collecting several deck is a must. The pre novice is not too much of a good partner, but some novice deck strength should not be underestimated. Recommend some novice deck below 4399 plum Chuan cool son. Effect: promoting life 2 deck...