新关注 > 信息聚合 > 商都游戏《光芒传奇》幻境归来挂机为王


Arcade game "legend" fairyland return hang light king

2015-04-01 10:44:51来源: 07073游戏网

战士费药,法师费力,道士费电。传奇增强角色实力的途径只有两个,一是装备,二是等级。商都游戏《光芒传奇》幻境系统归来,等级控挂机党的福音来了!商都游戏《光芒传奇》双线8服4月1日震撼开启! 战士 以强有力的体格为基础,特殊的地方在于用剑法及道法等技术。对打猎、战斗比较适用。体力强的...

warrior drug costs, the mage laborious, Taoist electricity. The way of enhancing the role of the legendary strength of only two, one is the equipment, is grade two. The return game informer "legend" light illusion system, grade control hook party Gospel! Arcade game "legend" double 8 light clothing April 1st shock opening! Warrior is based on the strong physique, special place lies in using the sword and imitation of technology. More suitable for hunting, fighting. Physical strong...

标签: 游戏