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独家专访Intel:电竞市场将越来越大 VR游戏还远未成熟

E-sports market will be more and more exclusive interview Intel: VR games is far from mature

2018-08-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在今年的2018 ChinaJoy上,全球著名的半导体企业Intel大手笔地包下了12000平方米的展馆,并将其命名为Intel展馆,声势浩大。今天我们PConline代表国内科技媒体,拿到独家专访英特尔公司业务发展、电子竞技和游戏事业群总监Mark Subotnick的机会,来解答一些网友十分关心的问题。让我们来一起看看Mark Subotnick对于电竞,还有VR方面的看法。 关于Intel下一代处理器:致力于提高产品性能和特性 近年来消费市场家用平台的处理器核心数目越来越多,最近也有传闻Intel下一代处理器又将增添核心,想必各位看官也十分关心这个问题,想知道传闻是否属实,Inte...

On 2018 ChinaJoy this year, the world famous semiconductor company Intel big package of 12000 square meters exhibition hall, and named it the Intel pavilion, is huge. Today we PConline on behalf of the national science and technology media and get an exclusive interview Intel business development group, e-sports and game business director Mark Subotnick opportunities, to solve some netizens are concerned about the problem. Let's take a look at the Mark together Subotnick for e-sports, views and VR. On Intel's next generation processor: committed to improve product performance and characteristics of consumer market in recent years household platform more and more the number of processor cores, recently there are rumours Intel next generation processor and will add to the core, each reader must also are very concerned about this problem, want to know if rumors are true, Inte...

标签: 电竞 VR 游戏