新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丝袜IU登场!国民妹妹助阵韩服《突击风暴》


IU stockings debut! National sister cheer hanbok "assault storm"

2015-09-04 01:11:23来源: 17173

近日,韩服《突击风暴》加入了国民妹妹IU的新造型,并公布了一段IU现场录音的视频。本次加入的模型分为两种,穿裙子的IU以及穿丝袜的IU。 IU是韩国女歌手,有着国民妹妹的称号。本次是IU与《突击风暴》的第二次合作,在2013年,游戏就曾加入IU的角色。此外,IU还与DNF、永恒之塔等...

recently, hanbok "assault storm" joined the nation's little sister IU new styling, and released a live IU recording video. The model is divided into two types, wearing a skirt IU and wearing stockings IU. IU is a Korean female singer, has the title of national sister. This is the IU and the "surprise storm" of the second cooperation, in 2013, the game has joined the role of IU. In addition, IU and DNF, the eternal tower, etc....