新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软市值超苹果,成为全球市值最高公司丨金立债权人质疑股东恶意转移资产【Do说】


Microsoft's super apple, become the world's most valuable company 丨 gionee creditors questioned the malicious shareholders transfer assets said 【 Do 】

2018-12-01 15:51:01来源: DoNews

跨境电商零售进口商品单次交易可达5000元 扩大商品清单30日,财政部、海关总署、税务总局发布《关于完善跨境电子商务零售进口税收政策的通知》(下称《通知》),宣布自2019年1月1日起,提高享受税收优惠政策的商品限额上限,将跨境电子商务零售进口商品的单次交易限值由人民币2000元提高至5000元,年度交易限值由人民币20000元提高至26000元。外媒:谷歌或在2020年关闭旧版 Hangouts据外媒消息,谷歌或将在2020年关闭旧版 Hangouts。有知晓Hangouts 产品路线图的消息人士称,尽管其Web / Android 版本目前仍然可以使用,但是更新动作极少,放弃只是时间问题。...

Cross-border electricity retail imports a single transaction of up to 5000 yuan Expanding commodity listing 30, issued by the ministry of finance, general administration of customs, administration of taxation on the perfect cross-border e-commerce retail import tax policy notice (hereinafter referred to as "notice"), announced that since January 1, 2019, raise the commodity quotas of enjoy preferential tax policies, to cross-border e-commerce retail that deal in imported goods single limit from 2000 yuan to 5000 yuan, annual trading limit from 20000 yuan to 26000 yuan. Foreign media: Google or closed in 2020 old Hangouts, according to foreign media Google or will shut down in 2020 old Hangouts. Have known Hangouts product roadmap, the sources said although the Web/Android version can still be used at present, but few update action, giving up is only a matter of time. ...

标签: 微软 苹果