6月18日更新:微软在官网上用问答的形式,更新了关于本次取消 Xbox Game Pass 订阅服务的一些说明,并在同一页面上把英语原文用翻译机器翻成了俄语和中文两个版本。以下为本次说明的全部内容:Xbox 发现了一些经销商使用了欺诈性手段,他们堆叠使用多个 PC 服务体验码,并将其转换为 Game Pass Ultimate。为解决此问题,我们已经取消了他们以欺诈方式获得的订阅,并在此之前单独通知了受影响的用户。Q:为什么要取消这些 Xbox Game Pass 订阅?A:我们发现了一些通过违反 Microsoft 服务协议的来源获得的成员资格。订阅服务必须直接从 Microsoft 数字商店或经过验证的第三方零售商处购买。Q:会员账户数据和游戏历史会怎样?A:这都将被保留。您的帐户将保留,但订阅将被停用。Q
Update on June 18: Microsoft updated some instructions on the cancellation of Xbox game pass subscription service on its official website in the form of Q & A, and translated the original English into Russian and Chinese on the same page. The following is the whole content of this description: Xbox found that some dealers used fraudulent means. They stacked multiple PC service experience codes and converted them into game pass ultimate. In order to solve this problem, we have cancelled the subscription they obtained in a fraudulent way and notified the affected users separately before that. Q: Why cancel these Xbox game pass subscriptions? A: We found some memberships obtained through sources that violated the Microsoft Service Agreement. Subscription services must be purchased directly from the Microsoft digital store or an authenticated third-party retailer. Q: What about member account data and game history? A: This will be preserved. Your account will remain, but your subscription will be deactivated. Q