新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软“元宇宙”是另一个“模拟人生”吗?


Is Microsoft's "metauniverse" another "Sims"?

2021-11-03 17:50:46来源: 触乐

“元宇宙”(Metaverse)下一步会走到向哪儿?可能没有人知道问题的答案。触乐曾报道过一场“元宇宙狂热”,浮华背后留下的问题难以得到解答,但看上去,业界对元宇宙的追捧还在继续,入场的还都是重量级人物。继Facebook公司宣布改名之后,昨天,微软也宣布了他们的“元宇宙”计划,微软提出了一个像是面向商务和企业的虚拟现实平台——当然其中也包含了游戏,而且它看起来就像一场来自“模拟人生”里的虚拟会议。 演示画面带有强烈的既视感 从规模上看,微软宣布“元宇宙”的阵仗不算大——至少和最近大张旗鼓,一口气把公司改名为Meta的Facebook相比,不

& ldquo; Metauniverse & rdquo; (metaverse) where will we go next? No one may know the answer to the question. Touch music has reported a & ldquo; Metacosmic mania & rdquo;, The questions left behind the glitz are difficult to be answered, but it seems that the industry's pursuit of the meta universe continues, and all the people who enter the arena are heavyweights. After Facebook announced its name change, Microsoft also announced its & ldquo; Metauniverse & rdquo; Plan, Microsoft proposed a virtual reality platform for business and enterprises & mdash;& amp; mdash; Of course, it also includes games, and it looks like a game from & ldquo; Sims & rdquo; Virtual conference in.

标签: 微软