新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox纪录片中,微软承认关闭狮头工作室是个“错误”


In the Xbox documentary, Microsoft admitted that closing the lion's head studio was a "mistake"

2021-12-13 18:12:42来源: 游戏时光

微软官方纪录片《开机:Xbox 的故事》将于当地时间 12 月 13 日开始放映,部分媒体已经抢先观看。据外媒 IGN 报道,该部纪录片提及了昔日《神鬼寓言》的开发商狮头工作室(Lionhead Studios)。一些微软成员在片中表示,微软对狮头工作室的处置措施存在失误。狮头工作室的logo作为背景,狮头工作室曾于 2004 年推出初代《神鬼寓言》。2006 年 4 月,狮头工作室被微软收购。但在多重因素的影响下,微软在 2016 年宣布取消《神鬼寓言 传奇》的开发,并在同年 4 月关闭了狮头工作室。在纪录片的第六集中,时任微软全球游戏发行总经理的 Shannon Loftis 回忆道:我们从过去学到的最大教训之一就是狮头工作室。我们推出了《神鬼寓言》,当时它很受欢迎……人们想要更多(内容),所以我们买下了狮

Microsoft's official documentary "power on: the story of Xbox" will start screening on December 13 local time, and some media have been the first to watch it. According to foreign media IGN, the documentary mentioned Lionhead studios, the developer of the fables of gods and ghosts in the past. Some Microsoft members said in the film that there were mistakes in Microsoft's handling of lion's head studio. The logo of the lion's head studio was used as the background. In 2004, the lion's head studio launched the first generation of fables of gods and ghosts. In April2006, lion head studio was acquired by Microsoft. However, under the influence of multiple factors, Microsoft announced in 2016 that it would cancel the development of fables and legends of gods and ghosts, and closed the lion's head studio in April of the same year. In the sixth episode of the documentary, Shannon Loftis, then general manager of Microsoft's global game distribution, recalled that one of the biggest lessons we learned from the past was the lion's head studio. We launched the fables of gods and ghosts, which was very popular at that time... People wanted more, so we bought the lion

标签: Xbox 微软