新关注 > 信息聚合 > TGA 2021预告片播放量最高的是《星球大战 日蚀》

TGA 2021预告片播放量最高的是《星球大战 日蚀》

The most popular TGA 2021 trailer is Star Wars eclipse

2021-12-13 16:33:25来源: 游戏时光

TGA 2021 在上周落下帷幕,除了公布奖项外还公开了一系列未发售作品的预告片。游戏资讯博主 @BenjiSales 整理了本届 TGA 所有预告片的油管播放量排行。《星球大战 日蚀》播放量遥遥领先,成为这届最受油管用户关注的作品。根据博主的说法,他的计算方法是把油管所有播放量超过 5 万的视频都算进去,包括官方上传的以及个人上传的(不包括「看 XX 反应类」视频),计算播放总量。不过,由于《黑客帝国:觉醒》播放量达到门槛的视频全是 11 分钟的流程视频,博主认为这不算预告所以没有计算在内。计算结果显示,《星球大战 日蚀》官方预告的播放量达到了 670 万次,遥遥领先位居榜首。随后是《战锤40K 星际战士2》《索尼克 未知边境》《自杀小队:杀死正义联盟》的预告,播放量都超过了 200 万次。可可爱爱的《多可比

TGA 2021 ended last week. In addition to announcing the awards, it also released a series of trailers of unsold works. The game information blogger @benjisales sorted out the ranking of all the trailers of TGA. "Star Wars eclipse" is far ahead in the number of broadcasts and has become the most concerned work of this session of tubing users. According to the blogger, his calculation method is to take into account all videos with a broadcast volume of more than 50000, including those uploaded by officials and individuals (excluding "watching XX reaction" videos), and calculate the total broadcast volume. However, as the videos of matrix: awakening that have reached the threshold are all 11 minute process videos, bloggers think this is not a preview, so it is not included. The calculation results show that the official preview of "Star Wars eclipse" has been broadcast 6.7 million times, far ahead of the list. Then came the previews of Warhammer 40K starfighter 2, sonic unknown frontier and suicide squad: kill the Justice League, which were broadcast more than 2million times. Lovely love's "Duo Kebi"

标签: 星球大战