新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前《光环 无限》设计师加入重生娱乐 参与《星球大战》新项目

前《光环 无限》设计师加入重生娱乐 参与《星球大战》新项目

Former designer of halo infinite joined rebirth entertainment to participate in the new project of Star Wars

2021-11-09 15:12:53来源: 游戏时光

据 Game Spot 报道,原《光环 无限》高级多人游戏设计师 Patrick Wren 已离开 343 工作室。他现在加入了重生娱乐,参与开发一款《星球大战》游戏。2012~2013 年,Wren 曾参与《星球大战:初次突击》的开发工作,但因迪士尼收购《星球大战》系列品牌,该项目被迫取消。之后 Wren 来到 343 工作室,成为《光环5:守护者》与《光环 无限》项目组的一员。 Patrick Wren(左二)与同事们Wren 的离职不会对《光环 无限》产生任何负面影响,因为该作已基本完成。在项目结束时出现人员周转,是一件很正常的事。Wren 本人发推表示,他在重生娱乐的“绝地团队”(Jedi Team)中担任高级遭遇战设计师(Senior Encounter Designer),很高兴能继续开

According to game spot, Patrick Wren, the former senior multiplayer game designer of halo infinite, has left studio 343. He has now joined rebirth entertainment to develop a star wars game. From 2012 to 2013, Wren participated in the development of Star Wars: the first assault, but the project was cancelled due to Disney's acquisition of Star Wars brands. Then Wren came to studio 343 and became a member of the project team of halo 5: Guardian and halo infinite& amp; nbsp; Patrick Wren (second from the left) and colleagues' departure of Wren will not have any negative impact on aura infinite, because the work has been basically completed. It is normal for people to turn around at the end of the project. Wren tweeted that he was a senior encounterer designer in the "Jedi team" of rebirth entertainment, and was happy to continue

标签: 星球大战