新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传闻:《底特律 化身为人》开发商Quantic Dream在做《星球大战》游…

传闻:《底特律 化身为人》开发商Quantic Dream在做《星球大战》游…

Rumor: quantitative dream, the developer of Detroit incarnate as a man, is doing a star wars tour

2021-09-21 13:18:22来源: 游戏时光

近日有传闻称,《底特律 化身为人》的开发商 Quantic Dream 正在制作一款以《星球大战》为题材的游戏,并且项目已经开展了 18 个月。《底特律 化身为人》 据了解,该传闻最早由法国网友Gautoz透露,他表示 Quantic Dream 工作室已与迪士尼签约。随后外媒 Dualshockers 也表示,自己的消息来源“提供了大量的证据”,表明该工作室与这款游戏有关联,并且已经着手这个项目有 18 个月之久。 目前 Quantic Dream 尚未公布任何消息。Dualshockers 的记者 Tom Henderson 晒出了一张 Twitter 截图,显示 Quantic Dre

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Recently, it is rumored that quantitative dream, the developer of Detroit incarnation, is making a game with Star Wars as the theme, and the project has been carried out for 18 months. Detroit as a man & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; It is understood that the rumor was first revealed by French netizen gautoz. He said that quantitative dream studio has signed a contract with Disney. Subsequently, foreign media dualshockers also said that their sources "provided a lot of evidence" that the studio was associated with the game and had been working on the project for 18 months& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; At present, quantitative dream has not announced any news. Dualshockers reporter Tom Henderson posted a twitter screenshot showing quantitative dre

标签: 星球大战