六集纪录片《开机:Xbox 的故事》现已上映,微软也在官方商城推出了一套周边海报。有趣的是,其中一张海报的图案正是 Xbox 360 的“三红”画面。该海报尺寸为 18*24 英寸(45*61 厘米),单价为 25 美元,约合人民币 160 元。“三红”是指 Xbox 360 主机发生异常,四盏电源指示灯中有三盏闪烁红灯的现象。出现“三红”问题的 Xbox 360 无法正常运行,只能送还微软维修。由于 Xbox 360 初版存在设计缺陷,不少玩家都遭遇了“三红”问题。在纪录片的第五集,前 Xbox 高管彼得·摩尔对此事进行了回忆。根据他的说法,当团队计算维修成本与销售损失时,得出的金额结果为 11.5 亿美元。权衡利弊后,微软最终决定面对挑战。通过延长保修期,改进工艺等措施,“三红”问题被逐步解决,Xbox 的
The six episode documentary "power on: the story of Xbox" has been released. Microsoft has also launched a set of surrounding posters in the official mall. Interestingly, the design of one of the posters is the "three red" picture of Xbox 360. The poster is 18*24 inches (45*61 cm) in size and the unit price is $25, or about 160 yuan. "Three red" means that the Xbox 360 console is abnormal, and three of the four power indicators flash red. The Xbox 360 with the "three red" problem did not work properly and had to be returned to Microsoft for repair. Due to design defects in the first version of Xbox 360, many players have encountered the "three red" problem. In the fifth episode of the documentary, Peter Moore, a former Xbox executive, recalls the incident. According to him, when the team calculated the maintenance cost and sales loss, the result was $1.15 billion. After weighing the pros and cons, Microsoft finally decided to face the challenge. By extending the warranty period, improving the process and other measures, the "three red" problem has been gradually solved