新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网站加载速度慢?小心谷歌搜索给你“差评”


The website loading speed slow? Be careful Google search gives you "difference is judged"

2015-02-26 19:18:03来源: 站长之家

站长之家(Chinaz.com)2月26日消息 在这个用户体验至上的时代,想要做好网站,“讨好”用户自是不可避免的,而网站的加载速度便是一项不可或缺的工作。而且网站速度影响的可不止用户体验,还事关网站的谷歌搜索引擎排名。 早在2010年,谷歌便将网站加载速度纳入了影响搜索引擎排名的参考...

home owners (Chinaz.com) February 26th news in the user experience is the first times, want to do good website, "please" the user is inevitable, and the website loading speed is an indispensable work. And the site velocity can be more than the user experience, Google also is the site's search engine ranking. As early as in 2010, Google will website loading speed into the search engine rankings influence reference...

标签: 谷歌