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EVO2018比赛项目公布 《龙珠 斗士Z》参战

EVO2018 sport promulgate the dragon fighter Z to war

2018-02-07 16:39:40来源: 游戏时光

格斗游戏世界大会“EVO2018”今日在Twitch直播频道(Red Bull ESPORTSチャンネル)公布了本届比赛的八个主要项目,其中最引人注目的,莫过于刚发售不久的《龙珠 斗士Z》也加入了比赛阵容。这八个项目分别是:《铁拳7》《任天堂明星大乱斗Wii U》《任天堂明星大乱斗Melee》《街头霸王5 Arcade Edition》《苍翼默示录 交叉组队战》《罪恶装备 未知次元 启示者2》《不义联盟2》《龙珠 斗士Z》EVO2018将于今年8月3日至5日期间在美国拉斯维加斯举办,感兴趣的朋友敬请关注。来源:esuteru

"EVO2018" grapple game world congress today in Twitch broadcast channel (Red Bull ESPORTS チ ャ ン ネ ル) released the eight major projects of the game, one of the most dramatic, is just to date the dragon fighter Z also joined in the squad. These eight projects are: the iron 7 "nintendo Wii U ported fight" the nintendo smash Melee fights "street fighter 5 Arcade Edition", "a pale wing implied cross team wars" guilty gear unknown yuan revealer 2 "" unrighteousness alliance 2" "dragon fighter Z EVO2018 will on August 3 to 5 in the United States during the Las Vegas, interested friends stay tuned. Source: esuteru