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《问道:西域迷情》4.15开测 四大新内容前瞻

"Asked: western rush, 4.15 to open four new content measurement perspective

2016-04-12 10:19:37来源: 17173

4月15日,《问道》全新资料片“西域迷情”即将震撼开测,海量内容重磅来袭。据17173了解,《问道》此次全新资料片的更新,将为玩家带来更多全新内容的展现——新时装、新任务、新宠物、新界面四大全新内容,为玩家带来视觉、感官新体验。 《问道》精美原画 霸气麒麟时装,亮相中州大陆 《...

On April 15, "asked the new expansion" rush "in western regions is about to open, shock mass content blockbuster hit. According to a 17173, "asked the expansion of new updates, will provide players with more new content, new fashion, a new task, a new pet, four new content, new interface for players with visual and sensory new experiences. "Asked" exquisite painting Domineering kirin fashion, mainland debut zhongzhou "...