新关注 > 信息聚合 > 除了比美团更有钱,我看好滴滴外卖还有5大理由


In addition to the more rich than group, five big reason I watch the drops take-out

2018-04-17 19:02:00来源: 品途网


Xing-he wang chengwei is contemporary zhou yu liang, two personal good, afternoon tea after the end of a banquet is together the "bayonet" in the market, they both believe that the best defense is to attack the opponent's core business. Delivery is O2O business spending most of the high frequency, flow rate of the largest category, now there is a person an average of about 5 is take-out platform users, so the take-away market is Internet giants like "fat". Over the years, giant incoming and out unceasingly, the highest barriers of delivery is with money to burn out the size of the market and benefit. Because Meituan made in front, do take-away drops behind, a lot of people think that drops take-out only contain Meituan on strategy, and even to watch the bad-mouthing drops take-out Meituan take a taxi. The author thinks, drops do take-away must be thoughtful, drops from hungry early investors is zhu XiaoHu, drops 2015 stake in hungry...