新关注 > 信息聚合 > 继 mBack 之后,Flyme 又一功能即将被友商效仿

继 mBack 之后,Flyme 又一功能即将被友商效仿

Another function, after mBack Flyme is going to be bad to follow

2017-09-28 11:39:12来源: DoNews

作为国内最早涉猎智能手机领域的厂商,魅族的 Flyme 定制化系统一直都是魅族用户最为钟爱的产品,不仅在用户界面的设计保持精致,简约而美观,同时在系统的交互方式上始终保持新颖,mBack 的创新式手势体验将传统安卓操作方式以手势替代,便捷的体验引起了一众友商的效仿。如今,mBack 式手势操作几乎已经成为众多国产智能手机的标配,除此之外,Flyme 事业部总裁杨颜在9 月 26 日的 Flyme 非正式会谈,正式介绍了新一代操作系统 Flyme 6.2,同时带来了两项重磅新功能——游戏模式 2.0 以及家庭安全功能。手游热度越来越高的当下,游戏模式自然成为 Flyme 6 上最重要的新功能之一...

In earliest manufacturer in the field of smart phones, meizu Flyme customized system has always been the meizu users the most favorite products, not only in the user interface design keep delicate, simple and beautiful, and always remain fresh in the system of interaction, mBack gesture's innovative experience will traditional operating mode to gestures instead of, convenient experience caused a and all the friends of business suit. MBack type gesture now has almost become a standard of numerous domestic smartphones, besides, Flyme division President Yang Yan Flyme informal meeting on September 26, formally introduced a new generation of Flyme OS 6.2, at the same time brought two big new features - game mode 2.0 and home security function. Mobile game heat is higher and higher, game mode natural become one of the most important new features on Flyme 6...