新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼CFO:五年内,云游戏不会对主机构成威胁


SONY CFO: five years, cloud game will not pose a threat to the host

2019-02-03 09:50:14来源: 游戏时光

前两天,索尼公布了自己漂亮的第三季度财报,其中PS4出货量达到了9420万台,游戏和在线服务收入达到了近8000亿日元规模。在投资者和分析师的电话会议中,索尼首席财务官十时裕树谈到了索尼对一些未来趋势的看法和对策。 十时裕树表示随着主机生命周期的推移,索尼对“利润方面潜在的波动”的问题持续关注,希望通过拥有9160万台装机量的PS4来平稳这些波动。 在被问及五年之内有可能成为PlayStation的威胁或者机遇的方面,十时裕树表示开放平台的F2P游戏在市场中变得越来越流行,...

& have spent & have spent & have spent Two days before, SONY has revealed its beautiful third quarter earnings, including PS4 shipments reached 94.2 million units, games and online services revenue reached nearly 800 billion yen. Investors and analysts in a conference call, chief financial officer yu tree about 10 o 'clock in the SONY's views on some future trend and countermeasures. & have spent & have spent & have spent 10 yu said tree with the passage of the host life cycle, the SONY to the problem of "potential fluctuations in profits" continuous attention, hope to have 91.6 million units installed capacity of PS4 to smooth the fluctuations. & have spent & have spent & have spent Asked about five years could be a threat or opportunity of PlayStation, 10 yu tree said open platform F2P game is becoming more and more popular in the market,...

标签: 游戏 索尼 CF