新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江淮汽车加码新能源救市前景难料


Jianghuai Automobile overweight new energy to rescue the market prospects uncertain

2015-07-28 08:32:43来源: 中国广播网

作为押宝资本市场的筹码,上市车企无一例外地选择了新能源发展方向。日前,安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司(以下简称“江淮汽车”)接连发布新能源汽车发 展战略,并拟定增3.29亿股募资45亿元加码新能源汽车。业...

as betting chips of the capital market, listed car enterprises, without exception, chose the direction of development of new energy. Recently, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "JAC") released a series of new energy vehicle development strategy, and to develop increased 3.29 million shares of fund-raising 45 billion overweight new energy vehicles. Industry...