新关注 > 信息聚合 > 嘀嗒“求生”:从团购到拼车


Tick "survival": from the group purchase to carpool

2015-01-31 18:52:11来源: 新浪

嘀嗒“求生”:从团购到拼车 本报记者 赵娜 北京报道 “我们看到了‘移动互联网+分享经济’的模式,希望借此部分解决城市交通拥挤、百姓出行困难的问题。所以下定决心进入拼车行业。”嘀嗒拼车CEO宋中杰说这番话时,饱受争议的拼车行为的合规性,已经得到了官方的认可。 2014年1月2...

tick "survival": from the group purchase to carpool reporter Zhao Na Beijing reported "we see 'mobile Internet + sharing economy' model, hoping to partially solve the city traffic congestion, people travel difficult problems. So determined to enter the carpool industry." Tick carpool CEO Song Zhongjie say this words, compliance carpool behavior of the controversial, have been officially recognized. 2 January 2014...