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4399 graffiti Sketchpad match!

2014-11-23 01:24:34来源: 4399

各位绘画大触们,是时候秀出你的作品啦! 4399涂鸦画板比赛已经开始,在11月21日-12月4日期间参加比赛,就有机会获得奖励冰蓝剑和修罗假面! 本季主题:茜色蜜恋。蜜色的外衣,闪耀诱人;串起的晶莹,酸甜回味。递给你一串糖葫芦,和你分享茜色蜜恋,也串起你我茜色的友谊! 只要作品入围...

you are painting big contact, it is time to show your work! 4399 graffiti Sketchpad competition has already begun, in November 21st -12 month 4 days during the race, have the opportunity to receive a reward of blue sword and Shura mask! This season's theme: madder honey love. Honey coloured coat, come hither; string of crystal clear, sweet and sour aftertaste. Handed you a bunch of Tomatoes on sticks, and you share the madder honey love, also string you me madder friendship! Only shortlisted...