新关注 > 信息聚合 > 临沂排查315曝光医疗垃圾加工玩具进展:涉事企业负责人被拘


Linyi progress in screening 315 exposure medical waste processing toys: detention, head of the involved enterprises

2019-03-16 15:31:36来源: IT之家

IT之家3月16日消息 据山东临沂环保局官方微博消息,针对3·15晚会曝光的临沂某玩具厂使用废弃医疗再生料加工玩具问题,临沂市高度重视。临沂市各级各地生态环保部门已联合公安部门,连夜开展排查。经查涉事企业位于兰山区白沙埠镇。目前该企业已被采取强制措施;涉事责任人被公安机关依法拘留。案情正进一步调查处理中。据山东省市场监管局网站消息,针对央视“3•15”晚会被曝光的问题,山东省市场监管局连夜召开专题党组会研究部署,要求临沂市市场监管局迅速行动,连夜会同有关部门对涉事企业和曝光问题进行调查处理。16日一早,省局派出督导组赴临沂市儿童玩具生产企业督导检查。对于产品质量违法行为,山东省市场监管局将严厉...

IT's home on March 16 , according to official weibo in linyi in shandong province environmental protection bureau for 3 · 15 party exposure of linyi in a toy factory use medical waste reworked material processing toys, linyi city attaches great importance to. Linyi city around the ecological environmental protection departments at various levels have joint public security department, the overnight to carry out. As involved enterprises located in country-specific ones area bai sha port town. At present the enterprise has been to take compulsory measures; Person involved detained by public security organs in accordance with the law. The case is further investigation processing. , according to market supervision bureau of shandong province website for CCTV "3 • 15" the evening party was exposed problems, market supervision bureau of shandong province after a DangZuHui research project deployment, requirements of linyi market regulatory authority to act quickly, in conjunction with the relevant departments of the overnight to survey the involved enterprises and the exposure. Early in the morning, 16 ShengJu sent teams to linyi city children's toys production enterprise supervision inspection. For illegal product quality, market supervision bureau of shandong province will be tough...