新关注 > 信息聚合 > 共享单车新玩家聚焦二三线城市 但这并非一片蓝海

共享单车新玩家聚焦二三线城市 但这并非一片蓝海

Shared bike new players focus on second - and third-tier cities But this is not a piece of blue ocean

2017-06-29 14:49:17来源: 新浪

新浪科技 韩大鹏 北京的CBD是个神奇的地方。 几个月前,共享单车玩家悉数登场,多将CBD作为首选投放地区。这里不仅是大城市人流的集中地,更是个没有资金门槛的“广告牌”。 在激烈的“厮杀”后,摩拜和ofo一骑绝尘,共享单车进入了双寡头时代。 新玩家自然不可与之抗衡,他们的...

Da-peng han sina science and technology Beijing CBD is a magical place. Bicycle players stirring a few months ago, sharing, invest the CBD as the preferred region. Here is not only a big city traffic centre, is a "sign" no capital requirements. After intense "fight", "worship and ofo: a coppi, Shared bike entered the era of duopoly. New players nature cannot compete with them, they...

标签: 玩家